Important Note: Chromebooks are constantly updating themselves in order to fix many problems that may pop up. This can only happen if you are shutting down your device periodically. If you are experiencing a problem, other than your device not turning on at all, please start by shutting it down, waiting 30 seconds, and turning it back on.
You can also check for updates manually with the button below. This will require a restart once it is complete.
You can also check for updates manually with the button below. This will require a restart once it is complete.
Common Chromebook Help:
Many issues that pop up on a device can be the result of updates, however, even when a device is up to date things can go wrong. Another common issue has to do with processes in the background, so another great thing to do for the health of your device is to, "Clear the Cache." Chrome also has a wide array of extensions, which can be added from the chrome web store. Many of these are very useful, and SAU90 even pre-installs many on our devices before giving them out. Some though can be harmful, or even just bog down the device unintentionally. It is a good idea to remove extensions when you are experiencing issues with your device to help rule out what may be causing the problem. These two things can be to blame even when it seems totally unlikely, like when some of the keys on your keyboard suddenly stop working. You can find instructions on how to clear your cache, and check you extensions below.
If you did not find a solution to your problem, please do not hesitate to contact us for additional help.