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Google Chat Installation instructions...
Install the Chat standalone app For a simple and efficient way to use Google Chat, install the new Google Chat standalone app in your Chrome Browser. The standalone app is a Progressive Web Application (PWA) that provides a native app experience.
Before you beginTo install the new Chat standalone app, make sure your device is running Google Chrome 73 or higher. Chrome doesn’t need to be your default browser, but it does need to be open to use the Chat standalone app.
Install the standalone app on your computer
Uninstall the standalone app (Mac, Windows, Linux)
Before you beginTo install the new Chat standalone app, make sure your device is running Google Chrome 73 or higher. Chrome doesn’t need to be your default browser, but it does need to be open to use the Chat standalone app.
Install the standalone app on your computer
- Sign in to chat.google.com.
- Use any of these methods to install the app on your computer:
- If the app isn't already installed, a pop-up window opens and lets you download the app.
- In the top right of Google Chrome, click More Install Hangouts Chat.
- In the top right of chat.google.com, click Settings Install Chat app.
- To get chats, make sure the standalone app and Chrome browser are open.
To open the app from Chrome, go to chrome://apps and click Hangouts Chat. On a Chromebook, you can find the app in Launcher (button at the bottom left of the screen).
Uninstall the standalone app (Mac, Windows, Linux)
- On your computer, open Chrome.
- Go to chrome://apps.
- Right-click on the standalone app , and then select Remove from Chrome.
- Click Remove.
- On your computer, open Launcher (button at the bottom left of the screen)
- Search for Chat.
- Right-click on the standalone app in the search results, and then select Remove from Chrome.
- Click Remove.
For More Help
Install the Chat Standalone App:
Use Google Chat in Gmail:
Get Started with Google Chat:
Install the Chat Standalone App:
Use Google Chat in Gmail:
Get Started with Google Chat: